Saturday, August 20, 2011

This is what happens when you blink

Oh my hunter is 11 months now and growing up right before our eyes! This kid loves to eat! (takes after his mom) here our some of his latest food shots


Can we just laugh at this picture... Love the side swoop of the hair...somebody just woke up from a nap.

Green beans


I got a little ambitious and cleaned Hunters closet out of all the clothes at don't fit anymore, it really makes you realize just how big they really are!

Deep inhale then a sigh

And he just loves to help mom out... Wink wink

I am not sure if you can see the bad boy above his left eye... Let's just say he surprised mom with his stair climbing abilities. The baby gate is now a permanent companion to my top and bottom stair.

We love Saturday night and Sunday mornings when Jeremy gets to come home and see us!

So this was a random post but hey thats us!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. What a good mama giving him nothing but healthy treats! Man, comparing those jackets really shows the difference. It's crazy how fast they grow. :( I just found some six months pics of Jack last year and can't get over how little he used to be (well except for his large melon head!) Can't believe Hunter's going to be one so soon!
